Jan 5, 2024

11 On-Page SEO Activities to Perform in 2024 to Rank Higher

Vaishnavi Ramkumar

Table of contents

Imagine being able to outrank your competitors, attract more targeted visitors, and achieve higher conversion rates. The good news is that with the right on-page SEO strategies, all of this is within your reach. Whether you're a seasoned SEO expert or just starting your online journey, understanding and implementing these 11 on-page SEO activities in 2024 will give you a competitive edge like never before.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the latest and most effective on-page SEO techniques that will catapult your website's rankings to new heights.

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the process of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic. Unlike off-page SEO, which focuses on backlinks and external promotional methods, On-page SEO activities emphasize improving the technical aspects and content quality on the webpage itself.

Why Is On-page SEO Important?

A well-optimized website using on-page SEO ensures visible improvements in a site's SERP ranking. It makes a website more user-friendly, enhancing its readability and usability.

But why is this important?

The answer lies in the sheer volume of content available on the internet. With millions of websites competing for attention, your content needs to stand out. 

On-page SEO acts as the catalyst that propels your content to the forefront of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Improved website visibility is just the tip of the iceberg. On-page SEO techniques also have a direct impact on organic traffic. 

When search engines recognize the value and relevance of your content, they are more likely to rank it higher, making it more visible to potential visitors. 

With higher search engine rankings, you can expect a surge in organic traffic, leading to increased brand exposure and potential conversions.

However, on-page SEO is not just about search engines; it's about enhancing the overall user experience. 

By optimizing your website's structure, navigation, and content organization, you ensure that visitors can easily find the information they seek. 

A seamless page experience not only keeps visitors engaged but also encourages them to spend more time on your website, exploring various pages and consuming your content.

11 On-Page SEO Activities to Perform in 2024

As we head into 2024, here are 11 essential on-page SEO activities to undertake for enhanced website performance. These include

  1. Target keyword research and analysis
  2. Crafting engaging page titles and meta descriptions
  3. Optimizing headings and page structure
  4. Creating high-quality content, image optimization
  5. SEO-friendly URL slug optimization
  6. Improving internal and external linking strategies
  7. Ensuring mobile-friendliness and page speed improvements
  8. Utilizing schema markup
  9. Enhancing user experience and core web vitals
  10. Optimizing featured snippets and E-A-T attributes

Let's dive deep into the details.

1. Target Keyword Research and Analysis

The very first step in optimizing your webpage involves keyword research and analysis. Keywords are the lifeline of any SEO activity, as they play a critical role in deciding how your site will rank on search engine results. 

The purpose of this exercise is to identify the most effective keywords for your business and how to utilize them strategically on your website.

At its core, keyword research involves understanding the psychology of your target audience. Knowing what terms they're searching for helps you optimize your content to meet their intents and needs.

Here's a quick guide on how you can carry out keyword research and analysis:

  • Use Keyword Research Tools: Numerous tools, such as Scalenut or Google Keyword Planner, can help you identify related keywords for your niche. They provide vital metrics like keyword search volume, competition level, cost-per-click (CPC), and more.
  • Understand Search Intent: It is critical to understand the search intent behind each keyword. Whether users are looking for information, wanting to buy a product, or looking for a particular website, your content should match their intent.
  • Analyze Keyword Difficulty: It is essential to look at the difficulty score of each keyword. A high keyword difficulty score means that it will be challenging to rank higher for the keywords on organic results. Consider opting for long-tail keywords with lower competition levels for better ranking opportunities.
  • Refine and Implement: Once you have a pool of potential keywords, refine them based on their relevance to your business. Once finalized, seamlessly incorporate these keywords into your website’s content.

2. Crafting Engaging Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions play a pivotal role in providing both users and search engines with clear, concise summaries of your page's content. 

Well-crafted title tags and meta descriptions can significantly impact click-through rates (CTR) from SERPs.

Title Tag:

The title tag is a preview of your content, displayed prominently on SERPs and browser tabs. An engaging title tag should:

  • Be within 50-60 characters (including spaces).
  • Contain the target keyword, preferably at the beginning of the tag.
  • Be unique and accurately represent the webpage’s content.

Meta Description:

While it doesn't directly impact your page's ranking, an enticing meta description can persuade users to click on your webpage in the SERPs.

Some best practices for creating an effective meta description include:

  • Keep it under 155-160 characters (including spaces).
  • Include your target keywords.
  • Give a succinct, accurate summary of your page's content.

3. Optimization of Headings and Page Structure

Optimizing your web page’s headings and overall structure is vital in enhancing its readability and making it user and SEO-friendly.

Headings are utilized to break down your content into palatable sections, improving the user experience and aiding search engines’ understanding of the page content.

Here are some ways to optimize your headings and page structure:

  • Utilize Header Tags: Appropriate use of header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) helps define the hierarchy of your content.
  • Keyword Placement in Headings: Incorporate your target keyword in your H1 and at least one H2 heading. It provides context for search engines and users alike.
  • Use Descriptive Titles: Each heading should accurately represent the content within that section. This allows users to quickly scan your webpage and understand what information each section offers.
  • Avoid Overusing Headers: While headers are useful for organizing your content, avoid overcomplicating your page with excessive use. Maintaining a clear, simple structure is key for readability.

Having a well-structured webpage not only benefits user readability but also improves your website's crawlability, positively impacting your SEO efforts.

4. High-Quality and Relevant Content Creation

Every successful on-page SEO strategy revolves around creating high-quality and relevant content. Your content needs to provide valuable information that aligns with the search intent of your target keyword. If your content falls short of meeting users' expectations, your chances of ranking higher on SERPs will decrease.

  • While creating different types of content, maintain a natural tone, and write for the user, not search engines.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing and ensure that keyword usage feels organic within your content. It should add value and provide useful information to the reader, reflecting your brand's unique voice and perspective.
  • Meticulous research, proper structuring, and careful proofreading go a long way in creating high-quality content. 
  • The more valuable your content is, the more users will stay on your page, share your content, and ultimately convert, positively affecting your website's overall SEO performance.
  • Including various forms of media like images, videos, podcasts, and infographics can also enrich your content, making it more engaging and interactive for users.

Skillful content creation, combined with strategic on-page SEO, will yield significant dividends for your website in 2024 and beyond.

5. Image Optimization and Compression

Images not only make your web pages visually appealing, but they also increase engagement, thereby reducing bounce rates and improving your SEO performance. 

However, unoptimized images can significantly increase your webpage’s load time, harming user experience and your website’s search engine ranking.

Here are a few techniques to optimize and compress images for better on-page SEO:

  • Resize and Compress: Large image files can slow down your page, affecting user experience and SEO. Compress your images using tools like TinyPNG or JPEG Mini to reduce file sizes without losing quality. Additionally, resize your images so their width doesn’t exceed the maximum width of your webpage.
  • Use SEO-friendly Alt Text: Alt text is used by search engines to identify an image's content. Always ensure your alt text is descriptive and includes relevant keywords to enhance your SEO.
  • Image File Names: Rename your image files to include relevant keywords instead of default names like "IMG_1234". This provides additional context for search engines and enhances your image SEO.

By properly optimizing and compressing your images, you can enhance your web page’s performance, improve user experience and boost your website's search rankings.

6. SEO-Friendly URL Slug Optimization

An often overlooked aspect of on-page SEO is URL slug optimization. A slug, in the context of web development, refers to the part of a URL that identifies a particular webpage in an easy-to-read manner.

SEO-friendly URL slugs are imperative for better search engine rankings as they inform both users and search engine crawlers about the content of the page. They should be straightforward, concise, and incorporate your target keyword.

Here are some best practices for creating SEO-friendly URL slugs:

  • Conciseness: Keep your URL slugs short and focused on the main topic of your page.
  • Keyword Usage: Incorporate your target keyword in the URL slug as it enhances your page's relevance to the keyword
  • Hyphen Separation: Separate words in your URL slug with hyphens. It makes it easier for both search engines and users to read.

Consider this URL slug example: www.yourdomain.com/on-page-seo-activities. It accurately describes what the page is about and includes the target keyword - "essential seo activities 2024".

Adhering to these URL slug optimization practices will aid search engine crawlers in understanding and indexing your pages, indirectly contributing to higher SERP placement.

7. Improve Internal and External Linking Strategies

Linking strategies, both internal and external, significantly contribute to your on-page SEO. They not only facilitate navigation within your website but also help increase the visibility of your various web pages on SERPs.

Internal Linking: Internal links are hyperlinks that point to pages on the same domain. Here are a few best practices:

  • Clear Navigation: Your internal linking structure should be logical and intuitive, aiding users in their journey through your site.
  • Anchor Text: Use descriptive anchor text for your internal links. The anchor text should give users and search engines an idea about the linked page's content.
  • Strategic Positioning: Position your internal links strategically, guiding users deeper into related content within your site.

External Linking: External links are hyperlinks that point to any domain other than the source domain. They provide additional informational resources to your audience, enhancing user experience. Here are key points to note:

  • Relevance: Only link to external sources that provide relevant, quality information that complements your content.
  • Trustworthy Sources: Always link to websites that are credible and trustworthy, enhancing the value proposition of your webpage.
  • Avoid Too Many External Links: While effective external linking is beneficial, having too many can distract and confuse your audience. Balance is vital.

Properly executed internal and external linking strategies can significantly enhance your on-page SEO, leading to higher ranking and increased visibility for your website.

8. Mobile-Friendliness and Page Speed Improvements

In today's mobile-first world, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly and that your web pages load swiftly is imperative. Not only does it greatly enhance user experience, but Google also considers both parameters when ranking websites on SERPs.

Mobile-Friendly Design: As more search traffic now comes from mobile devices, having a responsive or mobile-friendly website is vital. Google's algorithm prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its ranking.

To make your website compatible with the mobile version, ensure that:

  • You're using responsive designs that automatically adjust according to the device's screen size.
  • Fonts are readable, and buttons are easily clickable, even on smaller screens.
  • Your site is easy to navigate on a mobile device.

Page Speed Optimizations: Page load times have a direct influence on bounce rates and user experience. Faster-loading pages retain users better and perform well on SERPs.

Here are a few best ways to speed up your page load times:

  • Optimize Images: Compressed images and reducing their dimensions can significantly reduce page load times.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript Files: Removing unnecessary characters from your CSS and JS files can speed up your page loads.
  • Enable Browser Caching: It allows static elements of your webpage to be stored on the visitor's device, reducing load times in subsequent visits.

Incorporating these improvements will significantly boost your website’s performance, positively affecting both user experience and search engine rankings.

9. Utilizing Schema Markup and Structured Data

Schema markup and structured data provide additional details about your website to search engines, enhancing your pages' visibility on SERPs. They help create rich snippets, which are more detailed search listings that can highly improve click-through rates.

Implementing schema markups and structured data entails adding specific codes to your HTML that provide extra details about the page's content. These details may include reviews, business hours, product specifications, and more.

Consider the following tips when implementing schema markup and structured data on your site:

  • Choose Relevant Schemas: Different schemas exist for varying content types (articles, products, reviews). Choose one that best represents your page's content.
  • Test Your Markup: Google's Structured Data Testing Tool can help verify your markup is correctly implemented.
  • Use Schema.org: This serves as a central hub for all schema markup information. It's a resource you can utilize to explore many different types of schema markups you can implement.

By implementing schema markup and structured data strategically, you can give search engines a deeper understanding of your page content, directly contributing to improved SERP rankings and visibility.

10. Positive User Experience and Core Web Vitals

Enhancing user experience on your website can greatly improve your site's on-page SEO. Google has announced that Core Web Vitals, user-centric measures for website health, will become official Google rankings factors from 2021 onward.

These vitals focus on three key elements of user experience: Loading, Interactivity, and Visual Stability.

Here are some ways to ensure a positive user experience and optimize your Core Web Vitals:

Loading Times: Aim at achieving a Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric, which measures the load speed of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, of 2.5 seconds or less.

Interactivity: To register high marks in First Input Delay (FID), which measures the time from when a user interacts with your page (when they click a link, tap a button, etc.), to the time the browser responds to that interaction, you need an FID of less than 100 milliseconds.

Visual Stability: Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures the sum total of all individual layout shift scores for every unexpected layout shift during the entire lifespan of the page. For a good user experience, aim for a CLS score of less than 0.1.

Evaluating and improving upon these vitals will significantly increase user satisfaction and engagement, thus positively impacting your website's SEO performance.

11. Featured Snippets and E-E-A-T Optimization

Featured Snippets are the special boxes that show up at the top of Google SERPs when a question-based query is entered. 

By providing concise, specific answers to common queries within your content, you can increase your chances of being featured in these snippets.

Thorough keyword research to identify popular question-based queries and crafting precise, valuable answers to those questions within your content drives this optimization process. 

Not only does this situate your site as an authority on the topic, but it also makes it more likely for your content to be included in Google's featured snippets.

Similarly, E-A-A-T Optimization is a metric where Google rates pages based on the level of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) they hold. 

It is important to make sure your content reflects a high level of E-A-A-T. This means:

  • Showcasing your expertise within your field.
  • Displaying clear signs of authority, such as positive reviews or backlinks from reputable sites.
  • Ensuring your site and its content are trustworthy by including accurate information and secure browsing experiences.

Both featured snippet optimization and high E-A-T credentials significantly boost your website's position on SERPs, driving organic traffic and establishing your brand as a consistent leader in your sector.

12. Ensuring Proper Indexing and Site Crawlability

Ensuring that your website is properly indexed and crawlable by search engines will directly influence how search engines interact with and understand your website.

If your site is not indexed, it simply won’t appear in search results. Thus, indexing refers to the process by which search engines like Google add your webpage to their database, making it discoverable to users.

Meanwhile, crawlability defines how effectively a search engine’s spider can crawl through your website’s structure and content. A website’s crawlability can impact its visibility on SERPs since efficient crawling allows search engines to accurately understand your page's content.

A few ways to enhance your site’s indexing and crawlability include:

  • Using a robots.txt file: This file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files from your site they can or can't request.
  • XML Sitemaps: An XML Sitemap lists a website’s important pages, ensuring Google can find and crawl them all.
  • Using canonical tags: These tags tell search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page.

Following these technical SEO practices ensures that search engines can easily find, index, and understand your web content leading to better search visibility.

Conclusion: On-Page SEO to Dominate SERPs in 2024

In 2024 and beyond, on-page SEO continues to be an integral part of a successful online presence. By diligently implementing these strategies, you empower your website to rank higher and perform better. All these steps collectively create a solid foundation for your site to dominate SERP results in 2024.

Remember that On-page SEO is not a one-time activity but a continuous process calling for regular updates and refreshes. 

So, keep tabs on your content performance and make necessary changes as and when needed to ensure your website remains topical, relevant, and valuable to both search engines and users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are on-page SEO activities?

On-page SEO activities involve optimizing individual web pages to attain higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic. They include keyword research, helpful content creation, meta tags optimization, image optimization, URL slug optimization, and improving site speed and mobile-friendliness.

What are off-page SEO activities?

Off-page search engine optimization activities refer to the actions taken outside of your own website that impact your rankings within SERPs. 

This includes things like link building, social media marketing, guest blogging, influencer marketing, and any other tactics that increase your site's online visibility and reputation.

What is the difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO?

The main difference between on-page SEO and off-page SEO lies in the location where the optimization activities are performed. On-page SEO refers to the actions taken within a website to improve its visibility and ranking, such as optimizing content, meta tags, and page load times.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, involves activities that take place outside of your own website but impact your rankings, such as link building and social media marketing. While both are crucial for a comprehensive SEO strategy, they focus on different aspects of improving online visibility.

About the Author

Vaishnavi Ramkumar

Vaishnavi Ramkumar is a content marketer specializing in creating BOFU content for SaaS brands. She believes reader-centric content is the sure-shot way to generate high-quality leads through content marketing. As part of the Scalenut team, Vaishnavi curates content that drives brand awareness and boosts signups. When she's not crafting content, you can find her immersed in the pages of a good book or a course.

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