Feb 15, 2024

Top 15 SEO issue and How to Fix Them

Mayank Jain
Co-Founder, Scalenut

Table of contents

Visibility on search engines like Google is a key to driving organic traffic to a website. Achieving that requires effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO). However, there are myriad common SEO mistakes that could hurt a website’s standing on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

It's crucial to understand these potential pitfalls to prevent hurting your SEO efforts. This blog will deep dive into what these SEO issues are, why they matter, and how to fix them; all explained in a straightforward, user-friendly manner. 

From technical to on-page, off-page, mobile, UX, and advanced SEO concerns, we cover all angles to help webmasters optimize their SEO strategy for peak performance.

Common Technical SEO Issues

Technical SEO refers to improving the technical aspects of a website to increase its presence in search engine results. It includes various strategies, from improving website speed, setting up proper redirects to eliminating duplicate content. 

However, several often overlooked technical SEO issues can adversely affect a website’s performance. Let's explore some of these common technical SEO issues, starting with a ubiquitous problem - slow site speed.

1. Slow Site Speed and How to Fix it

A slow-loading website is one of the most common technical SEO issues that can significantly hamper the user experience. As per Google’s PageSpeed Insights, if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, the chances of a bounce rate increase by more than 32%.

As a consequence, visitors may leave your website and go to your competitors, leading to a loss of potential customers.

The reasons behind slow site speed can range from server issues to large file sizes and slow server response times. Fortunately, there are several solutions to this problem:

  • Optimize Images: Large image file sizes can severely affect site speed. Compressing images using tools like TinyPNG or using scalable image formats such as WebP can significantly improve loading speeds.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: The more HTTP requests your webpage makes, the slower it will load. You can reduce HTTP requests by combining CSS/JavaScript files, using CSS sprites, and employing other similar methods.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers distributed worldwide, which stores copies of your website's content. This effectively reduces the time taken for information to travel from the server to the user.
  • Website caching: Enabling website caching allows data to be stored on the user's device when they visit your website, resulting in quicker page load time during subsequent visits.
  • Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Files: Removing unnecessary characters (like spaces and commas) from these files can enhance site speed without affecting how a browser processes the HTML.

Implementing these strategies can immensely boost your site speed, improve user experience and thereby enhance your SERP ranking.

2. Duplicate Content and How to Fix it

Duplicate content is another common technical SEO issue. It occurs when identical or near-identical content appears on more than one URL across your website. This confuses search engines, making it difficult for them to decide which version of the content to index and rank in the search results.

The consequences of duplicate content are severe:

Consequence Explanation
Dilution of Page Authority Search engines struggle to determine which pages to rank, leading to diluted page authority
Decreased Traffic Due to reduced visibility in SERPs, traffic to your site could decrease
Risk of Penalization In some cases, Google might penalize your website if it identifies the duplicate content as deceptive in nature

To remedy duplicate content issues, consider the following strategies:

  • Rel=”Canonical” Tag: Use this tag to tell search engines which version of the content should be regarded as definitive and hence, should appear in search results.
  • 301 Redirects: This strategy redirects visitors from the duplicate content to the original content.
  • Meta Robots Noindex: This tag can help you indicate to search engines not to index a page with duplicate content.

By tackling duplicate content issues effectively, you considerably boost your website's chance of ranking better on search results.

On-Page SEO Mistakes

While technical SEO problems largely involve website infrastructure, on-page SEO mistakes pertain to individual page-level aspects that affect search visibility. These could range from poorly optimized content to improper keyword usage or improperly structured URLs. 

Two of the most common on-page SEO issues are Keyword Stuffing and Low-quality content. Let's delve into these problems and how you can resolve them.

3. Keyword Stuffing and How to Fix It

Keyword stuffing occurs when a web page is loaded with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in search results. This practice can lead to a poor user experience and can be viewed as spam by search engines. 

A better approach is to write unique, quality content that naturally includes relevant keywords. Utilizing the Google Search Console can help identify any issues with keyword stuffing and provide recommendations for improvement. 

Conducting a site audit to review the source code for excessive keywords and ensuring that the meta description and title tags are appropriately optimized can also help address keyword stuffing.

4. Low-Quality Content and How to Fix it

When addressing low-quality content, it's crucial to focus on user experience and the overall value that the piece of content provides. One of the best ways to fix this issue is by conducting a thorough site audit to identify duplicate content issues and ensure that every piece of content is unique and valuable to the audience. 

Additionally, paying attention to technical SEO aspects such as page speed, internal linking, and mobile optimization can significantly improve the quality of the content. By optimizing load time, ensuring mobile performance, and enhancing meta tags, the content becomes more relevant and engaging for both search engine bots and human users, leading to better search rankings and organic traffic.

Off-Page SEO Issues

Off-page SEO issues play a crucial role in organic traffic and search rankings. This includes building quality links, both internally and externally, optimizing meta tags and descriptions, and tackling duplicate content issues. 

It also involves monitoring broken links, external linking, and using relevant keywords effectively. Social media and link building strategies contribute significantly to off-page SEO success. A strong brand name and the use of rich snippets can enhance search results. 

5. Broken Links and How to Fix it

Broken links can negatively impact user experience and harm your SEO efforts. Identifying and fixing broken links is crucial for maintaining a seamless browsing experience and ensuring that search engine bots can properly index your website. 

One way to fix broken links is to regularly conduct site audits using tools like Google Search Console to identify and address any broken links on your website. Another way is to manually check internal and external links from time to time to ensure they are all functioning properly. Implementing 301 redirects for broken links can also help maintain link equity and ensure users are directed to relevant pages.

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6. Improper Use of Anchor Text and How to Fix it

Improper use of anchor text can adversely affect your website's SEO performance. When anchor texts are over-optimized with exact match keywords, it can lead to a penalty from search engines. 

Instead, focus on using natural and relevant anchor texts that provide value to the user. Incorporate NLP terms such as "user experience," "search results," "site audit," and "organic traffic" to ensure a holistic approach to anchor text optimization. Implementing a diverse range of anchor texts, including branded, naked, and long-tail anchors, can help create a balanced link profile. 

Additionally, conducting a thorough anchor text analysis using tools like Google Search Console can unearth insights to refine and enhance your anchor text strategy for improved search engine visibility.

Mobile and UX Related Problems

Poor mobile optimization can significantly impact user experience and lead to high bounce rates. Additionally, user experience issues, such as slow load times and unresponsive design, can hinder mobile performance. 

7. Poor Mobile Optimization and How to Fix it

Mobile optimization is crucial for user experience and search engine rankings. To address this, ensure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly to provide an excellent user experience across different devices. 

Optimize your site's load time for mobile pages by compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing server response time. Implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to improve load time and overall mobile performance. 

Also, prioritize mobile experience by optimizing the site's navigation and ensuring that content is easily accessible on smaller screens. Use Google Search Console to identify mobile usability issues and resolve them promptly.

8. User Experience Issues and How to Fix it

Creating an outstanding user experience is vital for captivating and retaining visitors. Duplicate content can harm your search results, so ensure each page has unique content. Implementing a relevant meta description will entice users to click on your link in the search engine results. 

Utilize internal links to guide users through your site, enhancing their experience and helping search engine bots understand the structure of your site. Analyzing your site's load time with Google PageSpeed Insights is a good idea to identify and rectify technical issues that may be hindering user experience. To enhance mobile performance, focus on optimizing images and improving the overall mobile experience.

Content and Meta Tag SEO Errors

To address content and meta tag SEO errors, it's crucial to optimize meta tags effectively and ensure the adequate usage of keywords within the content. Under-optimized meta tags can negatively impact search rankings and result in poor user experience. This can ultimately affect the site's ranking factors. 

9. Under-Optimized Meta Tags and How to Fix it

Meta tags play a crucial role in on-page SEO and can significantly impact your search rankings. One way to optimize meta tags is by ensuring that each page has a unique and relevant title tag, including the primary keyword. 

Additionally, crafting compelling meta descriptions that accurately represent the page's content can enhance click-through rates in search results. Another best practice is to incorporate relevant keywords naturally within meta tags, as this can help search engines better understand the page's context. 

Lastly, conducting regular audits of your meta tags and making adjustments based on search console data can further improve their effectiveness. Implementing these strategies will contribute to better search engine visibility and organic traffic.

10. Inadequate Keyword Usage in Content and How to Fix it

In content creation, the use of relevant keywords is crucial for ranking in search results. Poor keyword usage leads to lower visibility and decreased organic traffic. To fix this, digital marketers should conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords for their piece of content. 

Incorporating these keywords naturally into the content ensures that it remains valuable and informative to the audience. Additionally, creating unique content around these relevant keywords helps in avoiding duplicate content issues and enhances the overall user experience. 

Optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and internal linking with relevant keywords further strengthens the content's standing in search engine results.

Low-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is an essential aspect of effective SEO. It involves offering valuable and relevant information to your audience, thereby enhancing user experience and engagement. 

Duplicate content can negatively impact search results, so ensuring unique and original content is crucial. It's essential to optimize the meta description, title tag, and internal links within the content to improve its quality and relevance to search engine bots. 

Implementing a sound content management system and conducting regular site audits are the best ways to address low-quality content. By focusing on producing unique and informative content, you can improve your search rankings and drive organic traffic to your website.

Other Common SEO Errors

Addressing common SEO errors is essential for improving search rankings. Missing alt text on images can hinder the accessibility of a website, affecting user experience and search engine bots' ability to understand the content. 

11. Missing Alt Text on Images and How to Fix it

Images without alt text can lead to missed opportunities in organic search results. Adding descriptive alt attributes to images helps search engines understand the content and context of the image, contributing to improved visibility in search results. 

It's essential to include relevant keywords in alt text while ensuring it accurately represents the image. Additionally, alt text provides accessibility benefits, improving the user experience for those utilizing screen readers or facing slow load times. 

Conduct a site audit to identify images lacking alt text and prioritize adding descriptive and relevant alt attributes to enhance the site's SEO performance.

12. Not Enough Use of Structured Data and How to Fix it

Structured data plays a crucial role in enhancing user experience and improving search results. When there's not enough use of structured data, it can negatively impact a website's visibility and ranking on search engine results. 

Utilizing structured data markup is essential for helping search engine bots understand the content of web pages. One way to fix this is by incorporating relevant schema markup within the source code to provide detailed information about the content. 

Additionally, leveraging Google Search Console to identify opportunities for implementing structured data can significantly boost a site's presence in search results. Implementing structured data not only improves search engine visibility but also enhances the display of rich snippets, making the site more appealing to users and increasing organic traffic.

Addressing Advanced SEO Concerns

Pages not being indexed can severely impact search rankings and organic traffic. It's important to conduct a thorough site audit to identify any technical issues that might prevent search engine bots from crawling and indexing important pages. 

13. Pages Not Indexed and How to Fix it

If your web pages are not getting indexed by search engines, it can significantly impact your site's visibility and organic traffic. This issue may stem from technical issues such as the site speed, mobile performance, or poor user experience. To fix this, conduct a thorough site audit to identify any technical SEO problems that might be preventing search engine bots from crawling and indexing your pages properly. 

Ensure that your site has an XML sitemap and that important pages are easily accessible through internal links. Additionally, check for duplicate content issues and ensure that each page has unique, quality content. Lastly, submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to prompt search bots to crawl and index your web pages efficiently.

14. Incorrect hreflang Implementation and How to Fix it

Implementing hreflang tags incorrectly can lead to issues with international targeting, impacting search engine rankings and user experience. To resolve this, conduct a thorough site audit to identify pages with hreflang attributes and ensure they are implemented correctly in the source code. 

Utilize Google Search Console to address any errors related to hreflang implementation, and consider using relevant keywords in different languages for better international SEO. Additionally, ensure that each language version of a page links to the same-language versions through proper hreflang attributes. 

Correcting hreflang implementation is a crucial step in maintaining a strong international presence and improving organic traffic from diverse regions.

15. Keyword Cannibalization and How to Fix it

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages of a website target the same keyword, causing them to compete with each other in search results. This can confuse search engines and prevent the intended page from ranking as well as it should. 

To fix this, conduct a thorough site audit to identify pages with overlapping content or similar keywords. Consolidate and redirect these pages where appropriate to strengthen the authority of the intended page. 

Implementing proper internal linking and using relevant keywords in title tags and meta descriptions will also help search engine bots understand the primary focus of each page, improving their rankings.

Conclusion - Getting Ahead in the SEO Game

To stay ahead in the SEO game, focus on user experience, quality content, and technical SEO. Address poor mobile optimization and fix user experience issues to enhance site speed and mobile performance. 

Ensure proper meta tags, internal linking, and mobile pages to improve search rankings. Identify and rectify common SEO issues such as broken images, duplicate content, and inadequate keyword usage. Conduct a comprehensive site audit to address technical SEO issues and optimize load time. 

Implement a strong link building strategy, leverage social media, and optimize for local SEO. Monitor search engine results using Google Search Console and refine content marketing and digital marketing efforts. By addressing these factors, you can improve organic traffic, increase rankings, and boost overall SEO performance.

About the Author

Mayank Jain

Co-Founder, Scalenut

A content marketing geek at heart, Mayank is the captain of the ship at Scalenut. He believes in building for the users and ensures that every Scalenut feature helps people get the most from the all-in-one SEO and content marketing platform.

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